Adult Social Care & Public Health Sub-Committee

Agenda Item 7(a)


Subject:                    Fast Food and Energy Drink Advertising

                                    Notice of Motion referred from Council on the 7 April 2022


Date of meeting:    14 June 2022


Ward(s) affected:   All



For general release





1.1    To receive the following Notice of Motion which was debated at and referred from the full Council meeting held on the 7 April 2022.




2.1    That the Sub-Committee note and undertake the actions agreed in the Notice of Motion.



3.1       This Council notes that:


·         Fast food contains high level of fats, salt and sugar and many drinks often contain high levels of caffeine and sugar

·         Excessive consumption contributes to obesity, tooth decay, diabetes, gastro-intestinal problems, sleep deprivation and hyperactivity, and many cancers are also linked to diet

·         14,000 children in Brighton & Hove are overweight or obese

·         Advertising for these products is often aimed squarely at children

·         The Mayor of London banned all fast-food advertising across London’s transport network

·         Sustain and Foodwatch published a report ‘Taking Down Junk Food Adverts’ which recommends that local authorities regulate such advertising in publicly controlled spaces, and that the Advertising Standards Authority should be able to regulate advertising outside nurseries, children’s centres, parks, family attractions and leisure centres;


Therefore, this Council resolves to:


·         Ask the Chief Executive to write to the Chief Executive of Brighton & Hove Buses and Southern Rail asking for a ban on the advertising of fast food and energy drinks to be imposed across the Brighton & Hove transport network

·         Request that the Adult Social Care and Public Health Sub Committee calls for an audit of fast food or energy drinks advertisements on any hoarding or within any building owned by this Council including large advertisements on bus stops

·         Ask the Chief Executive to write to the relevant minister requesting the recommendations of the ‘Taking Down Junk Food Adverts’ report be adopted as government policy as soon as possible; copying in our local members of Parliament to seek their support.


Supporting Information:



Brighton & Hove City Council




6.30pm 7 April 2022


Hove Town Hall - Council Chamber





Present:   Councillors Robins (Chair), Allcock, Appich, Atkinson, Bagaeen, Barnett, Brown, Clare, Davis, Druitt, Evans, Fishleigh, Gibson, Heley, Henry, Hugh-Jones, Janio, Lewry, Lloyd, Meadows, Mac Cafferty, McNair, Moonan, Nemeth, O'Quinn, Osborne, Peltzer Dunn, Powell, Shanks, Simson, C Theobald, Wilkinson and Williams









100     fast food and energy drink advertising


100.1  The Notice of Motion as listed in the agenda was proposed by Councillor Evans and formally seconded by Councillor Moonan.


100.2  Councillor Peltzer Dunn moved an amendment on behalf of the Conservative Group which was formally seconded by Councillor Lewry.


100.3  The Mayor put the amendment to the vote which was agreed.


100.4  The Mayor then put the following motion as amended to the vote:


            This Council notes that:


·         Fast food contains high level of fats, salt and sugar and many drinks often contain high levels of caffeine and sugar

·         Excessive consumption contributes to obesity, tooth decay, diabetes, gastro-intestinal problems, sleep deprivation and hyperactivity, and many cancers are also linked to diet

·         14,000 children in Brighton & Hove are overweight or obese

·         Advertising for these products is often aimed squarely at children

·         The Mayor of London banned all fast-food advertising across London’s transport network

·         Sustain and Foodwatch published a report ‘Taking Down Junk Food Adverts’ which recommends that local authorities regulate such advertising in publicly controlled spaces, and that the Advertising Standards Authority should be able to regulate advertising outside nurseries, children’s centres, parks, family attractions and leisure centres;


Therefore, this Council resolves to:


·         Ask the Chief Executive to write to the Chief Executive of Brighton & Hove Buses and Southern Rail asking for a ban on the advertising of fast food and energy drinks to be imposed across the Brighton & Hove transport network

·         Request that the Adult Social Care and Public Health Sub Committee calls for an audit of fast food or energy drinks advertisements on any hoarding or within any building owned by this Council including large advertisements on bus stops

·         Ask the Chief Executive to write to the relevant minister requesting the recommendations of the ‘Taking Down Junk Food Adverts’ report be adopted as government policy as soon as possible; copying in our local members of Parliament to seek their support.


100.5  The Mayor confirmed that the Notice of Motion as amended had been carried.